This wonderful rider began working with me earlier this year. She's in her late 50's, works full time & has 1 lovely horse she competes in dressage with but was struggling to enjoy her riding as she just felt a complete lack of fitness.
A friend of hers who events had worked with me & having seen her results she wanted to now have the same results for herself. She was feeling like she couldn't ride her horse & wasn't doing him justice. This was leading to a complete lack of confidence in herself but she had got to the point where she realised it was a case of doing something now or it would always be this way & nothing was going to change.
Deciding to take action & embark on this journey when she had no idea what to expect or what she was capable of & she questioned if she could do it, if she may be too old proved to me she meant business & wanted to do this for herself once & for all. It may sound a bit corny but this was all about changing her life for the long run.
She had done an online pilates class but found it didn't motivate her & as it wasn't interactive she found you could be doing the movement wrong and you wouldn't know which led her to feel even less confident & also question whether spending her time doing these sessions was actually going to benefit her or not if she wasn't sure if she was doing exercises correctly or not. She found that style of online training very remote with no personal engagement & it just didn't work for her.
So we began working together & this is what she had to say;
"The results I have had are beyond what I could ever have hoped for. I am much fitter, I have more energy. My riding is just WOW no other word for it. I feel healthier, happier & it's completely changed my mindset too. I'm far more positive now throughout all of my life.
I found Katie was always there if you needed her to ask any questions. You know your programme is designed for you and she is with you on the journey as well. There was a moment when I felt like it wasn't working for me, I was putting all the effort in and it felt like I was getting nowhere.
Katie was there to talk to me about how I was feeling and encouraged me to give it a little longer but she doesn't push you. I am so glad I stuck with it as you learn we are all different and our bodies respond at different times. After that little wobble, it all just clicked into place and the results were there for all to see, especially for me to see.
I went into this wanting to be a better rider..... number 1. What I have come away with is so much more; yes my riding has improved beyond what I ever thought I could achieve. My relationship with food is so much more healthy & I now have a better understanding of the different foods and how they work with your body.
The one thing I was really surprised with is my confidence. I was rock bottom when I started 12 weeks ago but now I now feel like a different person.
If you're thinking about working with Katie or getting going just do it! You need to be committed to the programme and want to really change.
What you achieve is in your hands but if you embrace the programme and put the effort in you will be amazed how much better you feel not only fitter but your whole outlook will change. I was a 50 something women just floundering through life and now I am still a 50 something women but feel so much stronger and more focused in life. Priceless! I want to say a BIG thank you to Katie. Thank you for giving me a purpose again."
Working with riders like this is why I do my job & love being a coach so much. Whatever your age, riding level, discipline every female Equestrian deserves to feel their best physically & mentally. Feel confident, be happy, be healthy & make the most out of life & your horse!
As this rockstar said the journey wasn't plain sailing but it's been a life changer. Through her hard work, consistency, and commitment she has totally transformed things for herself with my help. My role has been to support her, help her to work on a much more growth-focused & more positive mindset & provide accountability to keep her on track.
Much of this journey has been about reminding her she was doing a cracking job, being realistic with her expectations in terms of what she could do/fit in & equally the rate of progress she expected as well as being more compassionate with herself. This was key to helping her see she was going in the right direction, make progress & feel motivated.
We all need a reminder sometimes that we're doing a great job, working hard & consistency will pay off & this is where having the support of a coach is priceless! A huge well done to this superstar for all her hard work & results so far. It's been a pleasure working together & an absolute privilege to help this rider achieve her goals. Her riding & dressage competing has now gone to the next level & to see her back out enjoying her competing again & loving her time with her horse has just been fantastic. What life is all about & by pushing herself out of her comfort zone, trusting the process & working hard she has achieved all of this!